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Creative Commons Licenses

Some rights reserved

Creative Commons licences are public licences. You can use them to indicate what other people are allowed to do with your work. By using the licence, the creator always retains copyright, while allowing others to copy and distribute, and can additionally specify whether their use can only be on a non-commercial basis or restrict the creation of derivative works.
Before deciding to publish, make sure that the work can be licenced under CC, that you have the rights to it, that you understand how CC licences work, and then specify exactly what you are sharing (whether it is a text document, audio, video, image, interactive work, website, etc.).

The six licenses and the public domain dedication tool give creators a range of options. The best way to decide which is appropriate for you is to think about why you want to share your work, and how you hope others will use that work. 
You can select and customise CC licences yourself using the tool provided on the website Creative Commons licence chooser

There are six different license types

It allows the user to redistribute, to create derivatives (remix, adapt, and build), such as a translation, and even use the publication for commercial activities, provided that appropriate credit is given to the author (BY) and that the user indicates whether the publication has been changed.

For those who want their work to be built upon, improved, and shared widely, this licence is the best bet. It will give that exposure and the ability to improve the scholarly conversation, but will ensure that the original creator's name stays with the content. 

It allows reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, so long as attribution is given to the creator. You can use the publication for commercial activities. If you remix, adapt, or build upon the material, you must provide that appropriate credit is given to the author (BY) and that the user indicates whether the publication has been changed. Adaptations must be shared under the same terms (SA).

For those who want to ensure their work remains open and is never used in a traditionally published resource in the future, this is a good option. It helps to make sure the content is always open.

It allows reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format for non-commercial purposes only (NC). If you remix, adapt, or build upon the material, you must provide that appropriate credit is given to the author (BY) and that the user indicates whether the publication has been changed.

It still allows for flexibility with the publication, but keeps it from being used for profit.

It allows the user to download and share the work (both for commercial and non-commercial purposes), but the user may not make any changes to the original. The licence does not allow the creation of derivative works. The work must be preserved in its original form. It even prevents text translation, editing, collage of images or adaptation of the publication to more convenient formats or infographics. It must be shared without changes and in its entirety, while crediting the original creator.

To sum up, CC BY ND only allows the user to share the work.

It allows reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format for non-commercial purposes only (NC). If you remix, adapt, or build upon the material, you must provide that appropriate credit is given to the author (BY) and that the user indicates whether the publication has been changed. Adaptations must be shared under the same terms (SA).

It allows the user to download and share the work for non-commercial purposes only, but the user may not make any changes to the original. The licence does not allow the creation of derivative works. The work must be preserved in its original form. It even prevents text translation, editing, collage of images or adaptation of the publication to more convenient formats or infographics. It must be shared without changes and in its entirety, while crediting the original creator. This is the most restrictive of the licences. 

To sum up, CC BY NC ND only allows the user to share the work for non-commercial purposes only.

The CC0 Public Domain Dedication

Is a public dedication tool that allows creators to waive copyright and place their work in the worldwide public domain. CC0 allows re-users to distribute, remix, adapt and use material in any medium or format, without conditions. CC0 does not legally require users to cite the source, but maintains ethical attribution standards in scientific communities.
