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Doctoral theses

The collection of doctoral theses defended at the AGH UST dates back to 1928.

AGH University Libraries online catalogue contains nearly 6,000 bibliographic records of all dissertations held by the Library. Paper versions of documents are available in the Special Collections Department Reading Room and in the Main Reading Room (collection of dissertations from before 1945). Because of their special character, they have to be ordered in advance. Find the doctoral dissertation you are interested in the AGH University Libraries online catalogue. Then complete the online form or the traditional library slip (available on site in the Reading Room). Theses can be read only on-site in the Reading Room without the possibility of any copying, printing or taking a photo. Some dissertations are available online; meaning the authors explicitly have made them available in Open Access.

Doctoral dissertations received by the Library since 2007 are available on computer terminals in the Special Collections Department Reading Room and in this form are available to users without the need to order them in advance. The electronic collection expands gradually with older items that are digitized.

Doctoral theses that have not yet been defended are available in the Special Collections Reading Room.

Doctoral theses pre-defense


Order of the Rector of the AGH UST No. 24/2021 of May 7, 2021 specifies the rules for collecting, registering and making available doctoral dissertations at AGH. Doctoral students submitting completed theses before their defense are obliged to submit one copy of the printed version and one copy of the electronic version of the publication to the AGH University Main Library. Documents can be submitted in person or through the appropriate dean's office at the Special Collections Department. Before the defense, a printed version of the dissertation is made available in the Reading Room of the Special Collections Department to all interested parties. After defense and library processing, it is stored unchanged and with respect for the author's personal rights in the collections of the AGH UST and made available in the Reading Room of the Special Collections Branch on the terms specified in the Regulations on use of the AGH University Main Library. The author of the dissertation, by completing the declaration constituting Annex No. 3 to Order No. 24/2021 of the Rector of AGH of May 7, 2021, grants a free, non-exclusive license to place the electronic version of the dissertation (accompanying documents, summaries) in the database and make it available online in the AGH Repository.

Order No. 24/2021 on establishing the rules and procedures for collecting, registering and making available doctoral dissertations at the AGH University of Science and Technology (2021-05-07) (pdf in Polish)

Description of the hearing (Annex No. 1 to Order 24/2021) (word document in Polish)

Sample title page of the doctoral dissertation and accompanying documents (Annex No. 2 to Order 24/2021) (word document in Polish)

Declaration (Annex No. 3 to Order 24/2021) (word document in Polish)

Jednym z elementów zapewnienia jakości kształcenia jest podejmowanie działań związanych z zapobieganiem plagiatom i ich wykrywaniem. Nowa ustawa Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym i nauce określa, że jeżeli praca dyplomowa, rozprawa doktorska jest pracą pisemną, uczelnia sprawdza ją przed egzaminem dyplomowym/obroną z wykorzystaniem Jednolitego Systemu Antyplagiatowego. One of the elements of ensuring the quality of education is taking actions to prevent and detect plagiarism. The new Law on Higher Education and Science specifies that if a diploma thesis or doctoral dissertation is a written work, the university checks it before the diploma examination/defense using the Uniform Anti-Plagiarism System (JSA).

A database containing data on scientific research and research and development works, doctoral and habilitation theses, and scientific expertise carried out in Polish scientific and research and development units. The SYNABA  database is available on the website of the National Information Processing Institute.

Before you submit your doctoral dissertation

Prepare the title page of the dissertation/accompanying documents in accordance with the template in Annex 2 to Order 24/2021.

Bring your completed work to the Reading Room of the Special Collections Department in both printed and electronic versions. Remember to attach a description of the dissertation in accordance with Annex No. 1 and a statement regarding granting a license to the University to use the dissertation/accompanying documents (Appendix No. 3). Please also bring printed reviews of your dissertation.

If you have any questions, please contact the Special Collections Department: +48 12 617 32 17  
